TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die Plattform vereint Forschende von 18 Schweizer Fachgesellschaften aus der Biologie und tauscht sich mit den internationalen Unionen aus. Sie engagiert sich für die Vernetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Fachbereichen und für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Sie fördert den Dialog mit Gesellschaft und Politik und vermittelt unabhängiges Fachwissen.mehr

Bild: Johann, stock.adobe.commehr

Call for proposals: Rigi Workshop

Rigi Workshop: Call for proposals
Rigi Workshop: Call for proposals

The SCNAT Platform Biology is soliciting proposals for the organisation of the Rigi Workshop. We invite members of two or more specialist societies to organise a three-day interdisciplinary workshop on a subject of choice that is related to Biology, for an audience of about 30 PhD students and postdocs. The Rigi Workshop takes place at the beautiful Rigi Kulm Hotel, usually at the end of January. This is an excellent opportunity for specialist societies to promote their goals and activities and to recruit new members.


  • Members from two or more specialist societies together propose a subject related to Biology.
  • Once the proposal is accepted, the scientific organisers from the specialist societies prepare the interdisciplinary scientific programme and invite the speakers.​
  • The Platform Biology office coordinates the organisation of the Rigi Workshop and deals with communication (website, flyer) and administration (registration, hotel, infrastructure).

Costs and contributions:

  • The Platform Biology covers travel and stay of scientific organisers and speakers up to a total maximum of CHF 5000. Additional costs of organisers and speakers have to be covered by the organising societies.
  • The Platform Biology supports the participation of up to 30 doctoral students and post-docs by reducing the registration fee to CHF 150 per person.
  • Accommodation and meals for the 3-day workshop costs approx. CHF 500/540 per person (double/single room).
  • Travel costs have to be covered by the participants.

How to propose the co-organisation of a Rigi Workshop:

Please use the Proposal template to describe relevant details of the planned workshop. The annual deadline for submission of Rigi Workshop proposals is 15th July. The Board of the Platform Biology will select a proposal in September.


Rigi Workshop organisation timeline
Rigi Workshop organisation timeline


Caroline Reymond
Plattform Biologie
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern

Rigi Workshop 2023 - Workshop and sunset
Rigi Workshop 2023 - Workshop and sunset

Feedback from previous Rigi Workshops:

"All the speakers were extremely interesting and engaging and many were of high relevance to my work. I feel like I learned a lot and have new option for my own work after considering".

"Very nice place and organisation to discuss important sustainability issues with different approaches and disciplines. The food and the overall hotel were very comfortable and relaxing. The diversity of participants was great for having insightful discussion".

"Thanks for organising such a great event! Seminars were very interesting, we had plenty of time to discuss topics with other students and speakers. Glad I came!"