TRAINING (2.4.1)

La plateforme réunit des chercheurs de 18 sociétés spécialisées suisses en biologie et échange avec les unions internationales. Elle s'engage pour la mise en réseau entre les différentes disciplines et pour la relève scientifique. Elle encourage le dialogue avec la société et la politique et transmet des connaissances spécialisées indépendantes.en plus

Image : Johann, stock.adobe.comen plus

Paving the way towards more women in leading academic positions.

Why do we lose female talents in top positions in the academia? What can we do to avoid this loss? What are the possible solutions and what are the advice of female group leaders? Achieving gender Equality and diversity in the Natural Sciences: The leaky pipeline phenomenon summarized in a new short video!

Achieving Gender Equality and Diversity in the Natural Sciences: a Synthesis

The phenomenon of the leaky pipeline describes the decreasing proportion of women in advanced and leading positions in academia. This is particularly visible in the natural sciences. A new video that is based on the webinar series "Achieving Gender Equality and Diversity in the Natural Sciences" by SCNAT Platform Biology covers the reasons behind this loss of talents and explores solutions, thanks to experts in this field. In addition, female researchers in leading positions share their experiences, challenges and solutions.

The series of 9 webinars were broadcasted and recorded in 2021. From history to biology, many specialists shared their experiences. Informations about the webinars and the recordings are available here.

Concept of the video:

  • Prof. Carmen Faso: Swiss society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, University of Bern and board member Platform Biology SCNAT
  • Dr. Astrid Oberson Dräyer: Swiss society of Agronomy and ETH Zurich
  • Prof. Didier Picard: Life Sciences Switzerland and University of Geneva
  • Caroline Reymond: Swiss Academy of Sciences; Platform Biology (SCNAT)
  • Dr. Claudia Rutte: Swiss Academy of Sciences, Platform Biology (SCNAT)

Music: Oggy & The Phonics Album: Folklore Imaginaire Songs: Ragavulin and Immersion
Movie realisation: Caroline Reymond: Swiss Academy of Sciences, Platform Biology (SCNAT)
2022 - CC BY 4.0

Synthesis: Achieving Gender Equality and Diversity the Natural Sciences

Sujets correspondants

Astrid Oberson Dräyer, Carmen Faso, Didier Picard

«Prendre en compte la diversité des genres est bon pour la science»

Le fait d’attendre de la part des femmes qu’elles se comportent et agissent telles que leurs collègues masculins, notamment pour satisfaire aux critères d’excellence actuels, les femmes sont nombreuses à

Image : zvg
Janet Hering

Le succès des femmes à des postes de direction scientifique doit gagner en solidité

17.10.2022 – Le succès des femmes à des postes de direction scientifique remet en question les stéréotypes de rôles et suscite ressentiment et résistance. La réussite repose d’une part sur

Image : Eawag
male and female scientists on dark blue background

I did it! Experiences from leading scientists

Women who have attained leading positions may on their career path have been confronted with specific, gender related challenges. During the panel discussion, female professors and leaders will inform about

Image : pixelfarm
